Treat Covid-19 as an opportunity
How technology can be an opportunity and not a threat during Coronavirus
Hi all,
It’s now clear that the COVID-19 pandemic is going to leave a long term, if not a permanent mark on how businesses do business (and society in general operates) going forward.
This month I want to talk about what we’re doing at Intuitive IT to streamline our business systems. We’re using this uncertain time as an opportunity to find better ways of doing things, and to explore alternatives with the aim of increasing efficiency.
Hopefully, reading about what we are doing gives you some inspiration, and provides some insight into how we can help you get the most out of your IT systems, and aid in driving your business productivity even in these less than ideal circumstances.
As our business has grown, we’ve adopted systems as a need arose for them, which is not ideal from a strategic standpoint. We’ve ended up with 5-6 separate software systems, all of which are essential, but communication between them is limited at best. This means increased overheads, data duplication, and as such, more opportunity for human error and lost revenue. As a tech company, we’ve done well to make these systems communicate, but we knew that there were better options out there.
After analysing a number of options, we’ve chosen a single software solution which is going to bring all these important business functions together. We’re running this project over the next two months, after which, we’ll have a single system that will fully integrate the following services:
Inventory management
Monitoring and management
Just standardising on a single platform will provide cost savings, on top of that, a lot of overhead is removed, data duplication is eliminated, and the opportunity for human error is drastically reduced. This will leave our team not having to worry about the small things, and be better equipped to do the important stuff, helping you!
Of course, most large changes have an upfront cost associated with them, but the long term return is more than worth it. We’re also aware that times are tough (we’re affected just like almost everyone is) – if you have an idea, or would like to discuss possibilities for IT improvements, we’re here to help and can offer financing options to suit most projects. It’s in our best interests to see our customers not only survive but grow, so get in touch if you’d like to talk.
About the author
Eden has over a decade of experience in the IT industry. Working with numerous organisations from a diverse range of industries; education, finance and renewable energy to name a few.
Prior to joining Intuitive IT Eden worked at a top tier Managed Services provider which gave him valuable experience in a wide array of enterprise level technologies and customer environments.