Tool to check (and fix) your Facebook privacy settings

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Tool to check (and fix) your Facebook privacy settings

Facebook privacy issues are just dominating internet issues at the moment.

Because of the convoluted and confusing way Facebook has designed the privacy settings it is hard to tell what is secure and what isn't.
Luckily the people at have created a tool that will show you how your private information is shared and then allow you to fix it.
Fixing it can be as simple as clicking a button or just checking to ensure that the settings are as they should be.

Here's a screenshot of what my settings looked like first time I scanned.

I had no idea that my friends still had the ability to share my information with 3rd parties!!

Go to and follow the instructions.

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About the author

Yener is the founder and Managing Director of Intuitive IT. Prior to running his own business Yener worked for a number of corporate organisations where he gained invaluable experience and skills, as well as an understanding of how IT can complement and improve business outcomes.