Ransomware Detection for free
This month we’ll talk about how we included ransomware detection for free on our new managed services plans, welcome a new member to the team and lockdown, lockdown, lockdown.
In last month’s update, I wrote “August sees Melbourne emerge from lockdown…”. Well, that was short-lived. The struggle is real everyone. We hope you are able to make the most of your exercise time and are staying in contact with loved ones. If there’s anything we can do to help, please reach out to us.
Here at Intuitive, as we ride this corona-coaster, we’ve continued to make changes that will hopefully benefit you and your teams.
Ransomware Detection for free
Everyone has heard and knows about ransomware. Probably because we don’t stop talking about it here at Intuitive. This year alone it has caused more than $28 billion in damage with the average cost of the ransom demanded is $7,500. The cost to the business can be up to 50 times greater than that when downtime and additional costs are factored in.
What we wanted to discuss today is the extra layer of protection we are providing our clients.
This extra layer of protection works side by side with your anti-virus software. It sits in the background watching for activities that are consistent with ransomware. Activities such as locking and encrypting your files.
If something suspicious is detected, the software attempts to stop the malicious activity in its tracks and isolates the computer from the rest of the network to prevent further infection.
When this occurs, the software will immediately notify the Intuitive IT team so we can begin to triage the problem.
During September we will be rolling out this ransomware detection for FREE to every computer, for clients that have signed up for our newest managed services plans. The ongoing cost will also be absorbed into your monthly fee.
For those of you not on our newest plans, we recommend you take a look at signing up as you will receive unlimited support requests each month, as well as this ransomware protection and many more benefits.
Want to know how much it will cost to move to IT Managed Services? Read more here
Intuitive IT welcomes Taisia to the team
I’d like to announce that Taisia (Taya) Kurganova has joined the team as our first Sales Development Representative (SDR).
She started on Monday 30th August and will be working 3 days a week.
Taisia is currently studying for her Bachelor of Business Information Systems at RMIT and will work for us to find leads and booking sales meetings between classes.
Domain name checking service
Just a reminder for everyone that our domain watchlist service is up and running.
We’ve had a handful of clients register domains on their wish list and we’re now constantly checking to see when they become available.
Visit our special page and type in domains you’ve had your eye on but just never been able to register.
We’ll run a check every 24 hours to see if that domain has become available. If it is, we’ll immediately purchase it for you.
Anti-virus – Advanced Threat Detection
This month we’re continuing to highlight anti-virus with advanced threat detection and that only this type of product would get you full marks on your IT Report. The response so far has been great with many of you upgrading your platforms to deal with modern-day threats.
For those of you who haven’t had a chance to get back to us and are still interested, please reach out to us or contact me or Yener directly.
About the author
Eden has over a decade of experience in the IT industry. Working with numerous organisations from a diverse range of industries; education, finance and renewable energy to name a few.
Prior to joining Intuitive IT Eden worked at a top tier Managed Services provider which gave him valuable experience in a wide array of enterprise level technologies and customer environments.