Reputation hit caused by hack, not the hack itself, caused business closure

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Reputation hit caused by hack, not the hack itself, caused business closure

Well, we’re almost at the end of this year like no other. It has been a tough one for all of us, and I’d like to say a personal thank you to you and your business for your support throughout the year – without you we wouldn’t be here. More generally, all of the team here at Intuitive IT are both privileged and grateful to be in the position that we are, but equally, I’m sure we’ll all be glad to see the back of 2020! Thanks again to you all for your support.

As is our December tradition, it’s time again for our two annual IT business surveys. If you’ve not seen this before, it only takes a few minutes to fill out and really helps us make more useful recommendations for your business’ IT needs in the coming (and almost certainly, better!) year. You can find it here.

The second survey will go out to all staff that lodged a ticket with us during 2020. It is a one-question survey with the option of adding further comments if you choose to. This will be sent out in the next week or two.

Next, it wouldn’t be an Intuitive IT summary without me standing on my security soapbox for a bit. You may have recently seen on the news a story about a Sydney hedge fund that was forced to close down after being hacked, if you missed it, you can find the details here and here. This was a pretty standard hack that involved a dodgy link, and fake invoices – that, along with poor manual validation led to a lot of money going missing. Interestingly, however, it was the loss of reputation caused by the hack, not the hack itself, that caused the closure of the business (their primary client withdrew their support). As always – if you’re serious about security, please reach out and we can have a discussion about safeguarding your business.

The results of our recent simulated phishing attacks have come in and show that on average, 21% of your staff will click a link and 13% enter their credentials to a compromised site. This figure is worryingly high. Intuitive IT now provides ongoing simulations and online training to help prevent such incidents and save your business reputation and money.

Another tradition for the Intuitive family is Movember. For those you who don’t know, it’s when the hirsute and not so hirsute try and raise money for Men’s health. This year, due to the pandemic, we’ve concentrated on mental health. GLOBALLY, ON AVERAGE, 1 MAN DIES BY SUICIDE EVERY MINUTE OF EVERY DAY. This year we did an incredible job! We raised $6,305!! That’s $2,255 more than last year. Thanks to everyone who donated and those in the team that grew a Mo this year.

Finally, I’ll be on leave for the majority of January and will be leaving you in the capable hands of my colleague Michael Cheung who will be able to field any requests that would normally come to me.

Hope you have a safe, relaxing and enjoyable holiday period. It has been well earned!

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About the author

Eden has over a decade of experience in the IT industry. Working with numerous organisations from a diverse range of industries; education, finance and renewable energy to name a few.

Prior to joining Intuitive IT Eden worked at a top tier Managed Services provider which gave him valuable experience in a wide array of enterprise level technologies and customer environments.