IT Support holiday hours and…Sloths. Wait, what?

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IT Support holiday hours and…Sloths. Wait, what?

Monthly IT Support Update – December 2016

Hi all, Well, it’s the last monthly email for the year, and as promised six months ago, it’s time for the annual Intuitive IT questionnaire. Clients will receive the link to complete the survey via email. If you could take a few minutes to complete the questions therein it would be much appreciated. We’ll also be sending out the annual satisfaction survey in the next week or so, it’s just a single question, so it won’t take long to fill in! Be sure to look out for it in your inbox.

Also, being that time of the year – if you could please let me know the closure dates for your business over the Christmas and new year period (if not already done) that would be great.

Please note that we’ll be running reduced hours over the period between Wednesday the 28th of December and Tuesday the 3rd of January as follows:

  • Public holidays (26th, 27th December and 2nd January) and weekends – Voicemail only, urgent issues will be addressed as required.
  • 28th, 29th, 30th December – Helpdesk will be running reduced hours (10:00AM4:00PM).
  • Normal working hours resume on Tuesday 3rd January

Now that the formalities have been taken care of, and given this is the last summary of the year I’d like to offer you a few minutes diversion from the usual IT talk.

Three-toed sloths are about the size of a small dog, with the head and body having a combined length around 45 cm and weighing 3.5–4.5 kg. They are frequently referred to as three-toed sloths, but all sloths have three toes; the difference is found in the number of fingers, meaning that they are more appropriately referred to as three-fingered sloths. Unlike the two-toed sloth (which has three toes), three-toed sloths are agile swimmers, though they are still slow in trees. They cannot walk on all four limbs, so they must use their front arms and claws to drag themselves across the rainforest floor. They move between different trees up to four times a day, although they prefer to keep to a particular type of tree. Their long, coarse fur often appears greenish, not due to pigment, but to algae growing on it. Sloths’ greenish colour and their sluggish habits provide an effective camouflage; hanging quietly, sloths resemble a bundle of leaves. Three-toed sloths are predominantly diurnal, although they can be active at any hour of the day, while two-toed sloths are nocturnal. They tend to live to 25 or 30 years.

About the author:

Eden Freeman is Intuitive IT’s Director of IT and outsourced IT manager to our clients. Eden’s no-nonsense and practical approach to IT Management ensures his clients receive the best possible solutions for their IT needs. Eden works across our many and varied clients, ensuring best practice is implemented from a technology perspective and can communicate risks and ideas to the business at the same time. A unique and highly regarded set of skills that make him invaluable to the IIT team. Contact Eden here

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About the author

Eden has over a decade of experience in the IT industry. Working with numerous organisations from a diverse range of industries; education, finance and renewable energy to name a few.

Prior to joining Intuitive IT Eden worked at a top tier Managed Services provider which gave him valuable experience in a wide array of enterprise level technologies and customer environments.